Thursday, February 19, 2009

Link to Math ICT games

Hi boys and girls,

Remember the Math ICT games that you played last Friday during computer lessons?
I have added the link to these games under the heading 'Math' on the right of this page.

Have fun with the games!

Some of our classmates have created their own blogs.
You can find the links to their blogs under the heading 'Our classmates' blogs' on the right of this page.

Don't forget to sleep early.

Ms Wong

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Passion for learning

Dear children,

I have read your journal on showing passion for learning.
I am proud of many of you who really show passion for learning in school and at home.
Keep it up!

Can you comment on this blog how you can show passion for learning so that we can learn from one another?

Hope to see your comments.

Ms Wong

Past tense of the verb 'burst' is still 'burst'!

Bubble Time

xxxWe went to the Skylite café to learn how to make soap solution. We used the solution to blow bubbles.

xxxWe poured detergent, water and glycerine to make a soap solution. We shook the mixture until we saw bubbles.

xxxWe poured the solution into small plastic cups. We dipped the straws into the cups, took out the straws from the cups and blew through the straws. We blew and blew. We saw many big and small bubbles floating in the air.

xxxSome bubbles were colourful and some were transparent. The big bubbles were more beautiful than the small ones. After a while the bubbles burst.

xxxWe were very happy and excited. We chased after the bubbles and tried to touch them as they floated away. Tidus blew the biggest bubble. Some of us blew and blew but couldn’t blow any bubble.

xxxWe wished that we can blow bubbles again!

How to play the game 'Zuma'?

Yi Ning wrote in her journal that she played this game 'Zuma' during the Chinese New Year holidays. Yi Ning, can you tell us how to play this game?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our ending to 'Chicken Rice' story

xxxxChicken ran away, Cat, Snake and Monkey felt sad. They decided to give Chicken another dish to make him happy.

xxxxChicken hid himself in the woods. His friends looked for him and gave him Fish and Chips.

xxxxWhen Chicken tasted it, he was very happy.
He said, “Squawk! It’s so good! It’s so nice! How I like that Fish and Chips. Better than Chicken Rice! Better than Chicken Chop! Fish and Chips is a tasty dish!”